Project TitleEvaluation of an Innovative Erosion Control on Road Embankment Using Synthetic Turf with Sand Infill
UniversityPenn State
Principal Investigator(s)Ming Xiao
PI Contact
Funding Source(s) and Amounts Provided (by each agency or organization)Penn State UP Federal Share $45,811
Penn State UP Match $45,945
Total Project Cost$91,756
Start and End Dates3/18/19—3/18/20
Brief Description of Research ProjectThe objectives of this project are to (1) identify the critical flow velocity and critical hydraulic shear stress that initiate erosion of various sand infills placed in synthetic turf due to runoff; (2) identify the sizes of particles that are washed out of the synthetics turf; and (3) evaluate the erosion of the subgrade soils beneath the synthetic turf layer on
embankments. The objectives will be achieved through large-scale flume testing and numerical simulations
using computational fluid dynamics. The research outcomes can be directly used to evaluate the effectiveness of this product as a surface erosion control measure on roadside embankments and to provide optimum design for best performance.