Research Team

PI: Kostas Papakonstantinou, Penn State

Co-PI: Shelley Stoffels, Penn State

Co-PI: Elise Miller Hooks, George Mason University

Funding Sources

Penn State Federal Share: $126,044

Penn State Match Share: $126,044

George Mason Federal Share: $66,666

George Mason Match Share: $66,666

Total Project Cost: $385,420

Agency ID or Contract Number


Start and End Dates

05/01/2021 — 04/30/2023

Project Description

Concisely, the following objectives are set forth for this project: (i) account for traffic effects in system-level modeling and I&M planning of large infrastructure networks with multiple assets (e.g. pavements, bridges superstructures, substructures, etc.), also incorporating deterioration and inference models under data uncertainty and partial observability; (ii) connect statistical learning and inference approaches to DRL artificial intelligence computational tools to resolve scalability issues in infrastructure management of large networks and portfolios; (iii) assess options for combined I&M actions and traffic control as a means to minimize safety risks and costs, maximize overall network serviceability and availability, and minimize the negative effects of I&M on traffic flows; (iv) validate developed approaches based on existing networks and in-use practices. Overall, this project will uniquely integrate I&M planning and traffic control operations, significantly enhancing currently used tools for infrastructure asset management, offering considerably expanded I&M action choices and possibilities for increased safety and considerable cost savings. The developed framework can provide guidance to DOTs as to how integration of asset management and traffic operations control can be achieved and what the potential benefits can be.