Final Report (PDF)

Project TitleRoad Pavement Condition Monitoring by Embedded Crowdsensing
UniversityLehigh University
Principal Investigator(s)Liang Cheng
PI Contact
Funding Source(s) and Amounts Provided (by each agency or organization)Lehigh Federal $69,334,.81
Lehigh Match $ 67,291,.21
Total Project Cost$136,626.02
Start and End Dates3/11/19—12/31/2020
Brief Description of Research ProjectThe objective of this project is to design, implement and test a crowdsensing-based system that allows for pavement condition monitoring in a low-cost, reliable and rapid manner. The proposed system collects crowdsensing data from in-vehicle accelerometers in smartphones, dashboard, rear-view or smartphone cameras and GPS, and generates accelerometer-based roughness indictors (ARI) and photo-based distress indictors (PDI) for existing pavement
conditions. We will study the validity of these resulting indicators for decision making through correlation with conventional IRI (International Roughness Index) and PCI (Pavement Condition Index).